Friday 5 September 2014

A - Z My child in one word

Constantly I'm clicking away and throwing a camera in the face of my littlelion, documenting every new moment, every facial expression, his first meal, his first steps, every outfit he looks adorable in etc etc. Every parent can relate. 

So before his first sentence is 'mum put that bloody camera away' I'm going to take a different approach this month. 

Over the next 26 days I'm going to use words to document his everyday life, I'm going to describe him or his day in one word. It will be a great exercise to document his learning in a different format. 

Over the period of a month I could throw a dictionary in the air and choose a word from the page where it falls open and it could relate to my littlelion at some point. 

A toddler is an amazing being, just think about what their little minds are absorbing, everyday they are witnessing or experiencing something new.

Please join me in this exercise, it will be a challenge to use just one word, maybe I will even learn a few new ones myself.   

This morning I tossed around a few words like amazing, adventurous and attitude that could easily describe my littlelion on any given day. However during the course of the day the most appropriate choice was affectionate.  He has recently mastered blowing a kiss and today chose to replace waving to random people on our walk with blowing kisses. He has been extra cuddly and emotional today, showing lots of affection towards me and getting it in return. His daddy has been away for work most of week and although he can't communicate it, I feel that he is missing him.

Littlelion has the most adorable blonde locks.  Today however it is now reflecting blue highlights after littlelion discovered a blue texta. 

It's breathtaking to watch his mind consume everything this big world has to offer.  We could learn so much from these curious beings, the toddler and take pleasure from all the small things in life. 

Littlelion loves to bust a move!  What a wonderful form of expression.

Need more hugs! With four teeth trying to break free and the normal frustrations of a toddler, the tears can flow at the drop of a hat. 


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